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A warm welcome to you from us the artists, exhibiting in this virtual gallery. Its exciting to be part of something that is truly worldwide, with artists originating from many countries, yet, we all have a connection with the Algarve although some of us no longer live in Portugal. Some of us are professional artists, others are leisure painters some of whom are enrolled in art lessons held at the International Church at Vale Judeu, Loulé, Portugal. What we share is a passion for art and this journey we are all on.  All the works here are our individual and original expressions and show a variety of mediums including photography.

This is our 6th annual exhibition but our first, due to circumstances, that is online.  Three of us are teachers and hold regular art classes when circumstances permit us to restart, in great facilities in Vale Judeu.   We hope to keep this webpage Art Gallery active, so that you can see more of all our work as we create it.   A new feature will be regular painting, drawing and craft tips and ideas to encourage you to enjoy a variety of art and crafts at home. 

Kids art used to be a very popular weekly activity held at the International Church in Vale Judeu and we are so pleased to have Rogeria Eler (who also teaches the water colour lessons) offering fun creative lessons for kids through to teens when classes reopen.

Maybe you are looking for a painting to buy as a gift or fall in love with one of those exhibited here, to purchase for your own pleasure.  We are very happy to be able to support Thuso Education Fund (TEF) in Lesotho with 10% of the sale price.  This fund provides for the tertiary (vocational college) fees for orphans and needy teenagers from Pulane Children’s Centre, the home Jill Kinsey set up in Lesotho, Southern Africa.  As Jill says ‘education is a way out of poverty, it gives each child a hope for a brighter future’. And that’s what we all hope for I’m sure.

We thank you in advance and hope you enjoyed your experience at our Vale Judeu Virtual Art Gallery.

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Jacquie, Tricia, Synthia and Angela enjoying an acrylic painting lesson at Vale Judeu.         
More information about classes can be found on
I would like to thank Bernice from all of us, for giving us this opportunity and handling the techy side. I would also like to thank, on behalf of Fabiano Nonato, Rogeria Eler and myself, the International Evangelical church of the Algarve at Vale Judeu for their encouragement and use of their great indoor facilities and grounds, to hold our art classes.
Their Bible Garden that opened last year is a place in which to reflect, enjoy, learn about a range of plants and trees and their significance and to inspire us to paint.  
Classes will resume when it is safe to do so.
Copyright Law protects the original works exhibited here

© 2020 by Bernice Gray.Algarve , Portugal

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  Art Gallery-Lessons & Viewings

Artists &  students  projects

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